We are excited about this program year! If you aren’t sure where to go, or would like to tour the nursery/atria,
please contact Emily Evans at emily@stmarysoth.org.
Children of all ages are always welcome in worship at St. Mary’s-on the-Highlands. Participation in worship allows even the youngest child to connect to the liturgy. Quiet activities are provided on clipboards for children, found in baskets in the narthex and the connector.
At the 10:30am worship service, there are two children’s worship offerings: Kids’ Word (3K through 5K) and Children’s Chapel (1st through 3rd grades.)
Kids’ Word-parents bring children to room 203 before church. Children will have free play and a brief time of scripture and songs before joining their families in worship during the Peace.
Children’s Chapel-These 1st through 3rd graders begin the service in church with their families. After the Gospel reading, the children are led out to attend a children's liturgy in the chapel. Prayers and songs are shared before returning to their families during The Peace.
This year’s theme “Jesus Loves Me!” We had an amazing week! This video captures a lot of the love and joy that was present.
Katie Dewees
Director of Children’s Christian Formation
(205) 933-1140 ext. 113