
Music Ministry

“I will sing with the spirit and with the understanding also”
The First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians, 14:15

The St. Mary's Choir

The St. Mary’ s Choir is strong and thriving, and always welcomes new members!  Consisting of professional and volunteer adults, the choir sings at the 10:30 a.m. service throughout the year, as well as for major feasts, concerts, and special events.   Anthems sung by the choir come from many periods, and include Renaissance motets, anthems from the Anglican tradition, and contemporary composers.  The Choir has performed major choral works, often with orchestra, and has traveled and sung in the United States, England, and Europe.
Rehearsals – Wednesdays from 5:45-7:30 PM in the Choir Room in the Undercroft; 9:30 AM on Sundays to sing at the 10:30 service.
For a list of our upcoming music, click here!

The St. Mary’s Choristers

The young people of St. Mary’s opportunities begin with the Angel Choir for 4yrs-2nd graders. Beginning in 3rd grade, the St. Mary’s Choristers provides the opportunity to learn about music in worship through the Royal School of Church Music’s Voice for Life Program. The Choristers will sing with the St. Mary’s Choir on select Sundays, and at special events throughout the season (September-May). The Choristers program is open to girls 3rd-12th grades, and boys 3rd grades through the voice change.

Rehearsals – Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 PM in the Choir Room in the Undercroft. 

For more information and FAQ, click here!

The St. Mary’s Handbell Choir

Handbells will once again come to life at St. Mary’s! Handbells are a great opportunity for those who consider themselves ‘non-singers,’ or for those who are unable to commit to participating in weekly Sunday services. The handbells will present music several times a year (September-May). Handbell choirs are open to high-schoolers and above. Possible opportunities include a beginner choir for those with little or no musical experience; an intermediate choir for those who have some experience reading musical rhythm; and an advanced choir for those with ringing experience.

Rehearsals – Mondays 5:00-6:00 PM in the Choir Room in the Undercroft

Music Sunday

All of the Choirs of St. Mary’s will participate in Music Sunday in the spring of each year, to conclude the musical season.   The 2025 date has been scheduled for May 4.

The Music at St. Mary’s Series

The series offers concerts, services, and special events each season. A season brochure is mailed to the parish mailing list each August, with copies also being available at the church. Plan to come to many of these events and plan to bring a friend!

To see this season’s brochure, click here!

For more information

For more information, contact John T. Lowe, Jr. DM, Director of Music & Organist, at 933-1140, ext. 103 or by email.

Music Staff

John T. Lowe, Jr. (DM) is a native of Lynchburg, Virginia. He received the Master of Music degrees in Organ Performance and Choral Conducting from the University of Alabama in 1996, and the Doctor of Music degree in Organ Performance and Church Music from Indiana University, Bloomington in 2005. In May 2024, he assumed the duties of Director of Music and Organist at St. Mary’s.

From 2007-2024, he was Director of Music and Organist at Gainesville, Florida’s Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, and Conductor of The Village Voices Chorus. He has also served as Dean and Sub-Dean of the Gainesville Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Previously, Dr. Lowe was Music Director and Organist at Ocala, Florida’s First United Methodist Church, and Artistic Director and Conductor of the Central Florida Master Choir. He has performed recitals in Alabama, California, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, and Virginia, and his accompanying engagements have taken him to the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, New Zealand, and Australia.



The Casavant-Frères Organ, Opus 3805 (2001), was designed by Dr. James H. Cook and given to St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Emily "Patsy" Katherine Stone Fail and Peggy Winn Stone by Mr. James M. Fail, Benefactor. The 55-rank instrument contains two exposed divisions and three enclosed divisions. The organ console contains 3 manual keyboards and a pedal keyboard. Opus 3805 has a total pipe count of 3,111.

St. Mary's music ministry benefits from more than a century of artistry by one of the leading builders of fine pipe organs in North America. The firm Casavant-Frères of St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, has built over 3900 instruments since completing their first organ in 1880 under the direction of Joseph Casavant. Organs by Casavant-Frères are associated with high quality workmanship and integrity.

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