



We need you! That’s right, YOU! You, the “fanner of the flames”! You, the one who owns and is not afraid to wear rainbow suspenders! You, the one who can sing “DeColores” in rhythm! You, who knows and loves every inch of Wonderful, Wonderful Camp McDowell! You who are living the 4th Day dream! Don’t be shy. Don’t begin the list of excuses. Don’t look to your left or right! We are looking at and for You!!! We need your vision! We need your passion! We need your face, in front of others, as …(ta-da) a Lay Rector at St. Mary’s! We are looking for two enthusiastic leaders to lead this parish into the fullness that is the Cursillo experience!

Remember your weekend? Someone had to make that happen on the church end. Someone had to inspire, delegate and lead the charge on your behalf. This is a Lay led ministry. We are appealing to you, our phenomenal Laity to be ministers in this effort. Please give this your most fervent and thoughtful consideration.


2024 Cursillo Dates

Cursillo #231: February 22nd - 25th

Cursillo #232: April 18th - 21st

Cursillo #233: June 6th - 9th

Cursillo #234: September 12th - 15th

Cursillo #235: October 17th - 20th


An amazing opportunity to worship, relax, laugh and pray at Camp McDowell. You'll have the opportunity to grow in your faith and in spirituality; have a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how we can serve Him; have an experience of living and sharing with others in a loving and caring Christian community; and have continuing community that gives support and encouragement empowering the renewed Christians to persevere in carrying out their Baptismal vows.

     Cursillo includes a three–day weekend that begins on Thursday evening and concludes on Sunday. During these three days, talks are given by lay persons and clergy who have spent time working together carefully planning and preparing for the Weekend.

     Cursillo is a lay-led ministry and receives no funding from the diocese. We rely on charitable donations to meet the expenses of our Cursillo weekends. As a pilgrim, there is no charge; your weekend is a gift from the community.

How do I sign up?

Every participant has a sponsor, who has attended a Cursillo weekend. This sponsor will assist you in preparation for the weekend and, more importantly, assist you after the weekend. If you know someone in our parish who has attended a Cursillo weekend, ask them to tell you more and how to get started, and let your priest know about your interest. Pray about it, and if you conclude that you should go, submit an application that your sponsor will provide.

Need more Cursillo information?

Please contact Katie Dewees, or Cindy Wiley if you are interested in attending one of the following weekends

Cursillo is an opportunity to grow in faith and in spirituality. Cursillo in the Diocese of Alabama begins with a three–day weekend at Camp McDowell. During these three days, lay people and clergy share their experiences and perspective on a variety of topics related to the love of God, the Christian life, and Christian community. Through Cursillo we seek a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how we can serve Him. We work together to share God's love and encourage each other to persevere in carrying out our Baptismal vows. Cursillo starts with a three day weekend, but the best is yet to come! Please contact Cindy Wiley at 205-774-2442 or if you are interested in attending one of the following weekends

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