One of my favorite images used by Jesus to describe the Kingdom of God is a great banquet. The Gospel of Matthew describes the one who hosts the banquet as bound and determined to have his guests enjoy the feast. The invited guests are from various walks of life; the master even sends his servants out to bring people in from the road and byways. For me this image says a great deal about God. God goes to great lengths to have people included in the celebration. This image tells me a great deal about what the church should be. And, what St. Mary's strives to be for any and all who visit. At St. Mary’s we are busy bringing in God’s Kingdom. We seek to understand through study; we strive for devotion through worship; and we always search for ways to serve others. For these activities are central to the Kingdom that Jesus invites us to embrace. I hope that you will come and see what God is doing in the midst of this historic and diverse community of St. Mary’s . There is a place for you, and there is a need for the gifts you have to offer. Come and worship with us. Come and study with us. Come and serve with us. The invitation comes first from God and from the whole parish family of St. Mary’s-on-the-Highlands.
Sacred Spaces of Birmingham by IPC Birmingham. Zachary Simon presents video interviews and scenes of these beautiful and important places of worship: St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church