Again, this year, we are partnering with St. Luke’s to prepare Easter Baskets for the children of St. Andrew’s food ministry clients. Contributing to this cause is super easy! An Amazon wish list has been created to order the items for these baskets which will be given to children ages 2-12. Follow the link below to access the wish list and have items sent directly to St. Mary’s.
Important dates to remember for this project:
Thank you!
Thursday Mornings at Highlands UMC, 8:30-10:00 AM
Four days a week HUMC prepares and serves a hot meal and a sack lunch to those in need. St. Mary’s provides volunteers for its breakfast service on Thursday mornings. Questions? Email Monica Sargent at Follow the link below to volunteer!
St. Mary’s needs individuals and families to become “encouragers” for the Horizons School students. Each Encourager will be assigned a Horizons School student and will serve as a resource and encourager for the student. Each match will be unique and can develop in a way that works for the Encourager and the student. It is anticipated that the Encourager and the student will enjoy activities together throughout the year based on current health guidelines and that the Encourager will keep in touch with the student. All Encouragers will be required to complete a background check and the Safeguarding God’s Children online program. An orientation will be held the last week in September. Follow the link below for more information.
We are recruiting volunteer Room Parents for Glen Iris Elementary for the school year. Sign up via Google Forms! QUESTIONS? Contact Monica Sargent.
A wonderful, flexible way to participate in the program. Volunteers also provide healthy snacks for the kids and students.
St. Mary's provides support to mothers studying for their GED, thereby helping them achieve economic independence. Free childcare and lunch are part of the services St. Mary's offers.
Are you eager to serve others in our community but not sure where the need is greatest? Are you willing to pitch in as needs arise for St. Mary’s ministries and community ministry partners? Are you unable to commit to an ongoing or weekly ministry but would like to help out when you are available? Do you love Outreach, period? Sign up for On-Call for Outreach and receive requests for volunteers, donations, and prayers as these needs arise in our parish and larger community, as well as special updates regarding Outreach news and events. Click on the link below to add your name and email address to St. Mary’s On-Call for Outreach list.
St. Mary's invites you to be a part of our Meal Ministries. We hope you will consider being included in a contact list to receive updates when meals are needed at the church for pastoral care and other events. You may also wish to join a cook team that will meet periodically at the church to prepare meals. Please follow the link below to sign up for Meal Ministries.
Volunteers from St. Mary’s support our sister church St. Andrew’s food assistance ministry, St. Andy’s Pantry. Follow the link below to sign up to help unload and sort food or to serve clients one Saturday per month.
The Barnabas Project outreach has been active in our church for many years, and serves as a way to connect us to other Episcopal Parishes in our diocese and provide love, support and encouragement in any way.
Serving our Neighborhood, Alabama, and Globally
St. Mary's in partnership with Highlands United Methodist are recruiting volunteers for Start the Adventure in Reading (STAIR) program at Avondale UMC. Sign ups now open.
The Outreach Committee meets monthly. Outreach Committee meetings are open to all. If you are interested in attending the Outreach Committee meetings, contact Monica Sargent.
Members of the Outreach Committee:
Ann Jones, Laura Beale, Laura Carlson, Ed Allen, Mike Hubbard, Hugh Rushing, Larry Sedar, and John Dorlon