Copy of Children's Education

Children's Education



The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a creative and innovative approach to the religious formation of children. It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the best practice teaching methods. Children gather in the Atria, located in the Drennen House, in rooms that contain simple yet beautiful materials and resources that they use. 


Our nursery ministry seeks to support families as they fulfill the mission of St. Mary’s. When parents know their children are well cared for, they can fully participate in the life of the Parish. In addition, the nursery often provides a child’s first contact with the family of God outside of the home. St. Mary’s nursery allows our youngest members to feel God’s love through the ministry of a loving staff. Lastly, the nursery program strives to equip and support our staff with the knowledge and skills needed to work their ministries to children and families.

Who is taking care of my child/ children while I’m in church?

Prospective staff members are carefully selected and screened during interview process which includes a background check. Staff members attend trainings designed to keep them up to date on the best practices for caring for and teaching infants, toddlers, and twos.

Why does my baby cry whenever I leave him/ her in the nursery?

“Drop off tears” are common any time a baby senses he or she will be separated from Mom or Dad. This is actually a healthy sign that the child has built a strong attachment to parents. Our staff has been trained to use many, varied ways to soothe a crying baby. The tears typically stop shortly after the parents are out of sight. If crying is persistent, staff will notify parents.

Ok, but why doesn’t my baby cry when I take him/ her to Mother’s Day Out?

Children attend MDO programs more regularly than church nursery, usually at least two days a week, with only one day in between visits. Attendance tends to be more regular as out of town travel and other things that take families away from church occur more often on weekends. This makes MDO a more familiar place for your baby. Consistency in church attendance will help, but remember seven days is an eternity in baby time; every week, it’s like starting over again.

Won’t my baby get sick if I bring him/ her to the nursery?

We take every precaution to prevent the spread of germs in our nursery including frequent hand washing and disinfecting toys and furniture.

When will my infant move to the toddler room?

Children are moved from the infant to the toddler room at the recommendation of the infant room teachers to the Nursery Director. This happens only once children are walking well to prevent them from being injured by more adept walkers in the toddler room.

Why isn’t my two year old in the two year old room or my three year old in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?

While the move from the infant to toddler room is based on development, the rest of your child’s promotions will be based on his/ her birthday. Children must be two 
by September 1 in order to move to the two year old class (three by September 1 to go to Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.) This prevents mid-year move ups in Sunday school which can be disruptive and ensures your child is in Sunday school with the children he/ she would be with in school. These move ups occur only on the Sunday following Labor Day.

Are there opportunities for me to serve in the nursery?

Yes! You can volunteer to help in a variety of ways: serving in the nursery when we are short staffed, preparing materials for craft projects, sending in items for special events, leading the VBS program for nursery children, donating your baby gear (swings, bouncy seats, play gyms, walk behind toys, etc.)

Can children this young really learn about God?

YES! A baby’s learning takes place all the time; the teaching in our nursery is accomplished by our teachers’ every look, word, and act while in the presence of the children. 


An Experiential Way to Learn the Gospel and Biblical Principles

In an atria, children can explore a biblical passage or a prayer from the liturgy by taking the material for that text and working with it - placing wood figures of sheep in a sheepfold of the Good Shepherd, setting sculpted apostles around a Last Supper table, or preparing a small altar with the furnishings used for the Eucharist. There are many other learning resources and lessons to be explored at this stage of your child's spiritual development. 


We are so excited to be settling into our new spaces in the beautiful new Drennen House! Atria are getting set up and we are able to serve children on Sunday mornings. Children’s ministries wants to support you and your family in your efforts to guide your children’s spiritual growth and keep you connected to the parish, both in person and remotely.

At the link below you will be directed to some resources at our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd AT HOME webpage! This doesn’t have to be a long session; for younger children it could last 15 minutes, and older elementary children could be engaged twice that long. The main thing is to be together and ponder the words of Jesus.

We hope you enjoy these resources. Would love to know how it’s going! 



We have Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to help develop your child's spiritual understanding of Jesus Christ in age appropriate ways from three years-old thru the highest level of sixth grade. This program has served as a model for so many Episcopal churches across the country. We are committed to strengthening the quality, creativity, and standards of this program for future generations.


The Good Shepherd Atrium and The Light Atrium:Discovering and deepening the child's relationship with Jesus as the Good Shepherd is the primary focus of the Level I atrium. The children will explore how we respond to the call of the Good Shepherd through liturgy and will study the Kingdom of God through scripture selected with the 3-5 year old child in mind.


The True Vine Atrium and The Kingdom Atrium:The second level of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is designed to help the child further his relationship with Christ by figuring our his own part of God's plan. The child at this stage of development is very black and white and is developing his sense of right and wrong. The Atrium at this level offers Christ's teachings as a way of exploring the child's moral sense. The child is called to draw on the relationship he has built with Christ and allow it to grow and develop in this new way, leading the child to see his responsibilities in the Kingdom of God.


The Mountaintop Atrium:This third level is designed for the child that is rooted in his relationship with Christ, has explored his responsibility in this relationship and wants to expand his understanding of the call of Christ. The child will continue to explore his place in the world, will look further to peoples of the world and the History of Salvation, and how we all fit in the Plan of God. We will examine stories from the Old Testament and think of what they mean to us today. The child in the Level III atrium will also think about the origins of liturgy and how worship as we experience it today developed.


Nursery is available for infants and toddlers during the 9:30 education hour and the 10:30 and 5:00 worship services. Our youngest members are cared for by an experienced and trained staff so that parents can fully participate in worship and study. Infants (birth to walking) are in room 214, while Toddlers (walking well to age 2) are in room 212.

Little Lambs (age 2 by September 1, 2021) offers two-year-old children develop mentally appropriate activities to explore themes such as“God Made Me Special,” and “All God’s Children,”providing a strong foundation for future religious learning. This class meets in room 210.

Little Lambs also spend time in the Toddler Atrium (room 207) where they are introduced to the materials and methods utilized in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This experience allows children to become familiar with the environment and routines of the atrium.


Children of all ages are always welcome in worship at St. Mary’s-on the-Highlands. Participation in worship allows even the youngest child to connect to the liturgy. Quiet activities are provided on clipboards for children, found in baskets in the narthex and the connector.

At the 10:30 worship service, there are two children’s worship offerings: Kids’ Word (3K through 5K) and Children’s Chapel (1st through 3rd grades.)

Kids’ Word-parents bring children to room 203 before church. Children will have free play and a brief time of scripture and songs before joining their families in worship during the Peace.

Children’s Chapel-These 1st through 3rd graders begin the service in church with their families. After the Gospel reading, the children are led out to attend a children's liturgy in the chapel. Prayers and songs are shared before returning to their families during The Peace.

Need More Information?

Contact Katie Dewees by EMAIL or 205.933.1140 for any questions related to this program. 

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