Sunday Mornings
Through April 6
9:30 AM in Randolph Memorial Hall
Our series continues with the Rev. Dr. Russell Levenson and his four-part presetnation "What Steps Might We Take This Lent to Get to Know and Serve Our Savior Better."
Sunday, March 30
6:00 PM
The Music at St. Mary’s series continues with a Service of Compline on March 30. The Gentlemen of the Choir, conducted by Dr. John T. Lowe, Jr., sing chant by candlelight at the close of the day. Plan to attend this service and bring a friend. This service will follow the regular 5:00 service of Holy Eucharist.
Again, this year, we are partnering with St. Luke’s to prepare Easter Baskets for the children of St. Andrew’s food ministry clients. Contributing to this cause is super easy! Follow the link below....
Mark Your Calendars for VBS!
June 9-11
If you would like to serve as an adult or teen volunteer, please contact Katie Dewees ( or our VBS chairs Sara-Kathryn McCrary ( and Emily Rich (
A Three-Part Discussion Series
Three Thursdays, March 13, 20, & 27
1:00 PM
Living Room
Join Emily Rushing for three sessions about "the uniqueness, the complexities, the needs, and the potential” of our souls and the souls of others in our older years. That is how author Alice Fryling describes the subject of her book, Aging Faithfully, The Holy Invitation of Growing Older.
During this season of Lent, you are invited to a time of study, discussion, sharing, and prayer -- and you don't even have to read the book! We will learn from the author's experiences and from each other. We also will offer at least one practice or discipline for Lent -- and beyond.
Sessions are open to all!
Sunday, April 6
11:45 AM-2:30 PM
Randolph Memorial Hall
Stay after church and we’ll have lunch and play a game! Then from 1:00-2:30, we’ll create 100 Easter Baskets for Andy’s Pantry!
Men's Study: Tuesdays at 7:10 AM
Women's Study: Wednesdays at 10:10 AM
Men meet in Room 309; women meet in Randolph Memorial Hall. Both studies are available via Zoom. See below to email Melodie Elam and be added to the email list.
Sunday Mornings
8:45 - 9:25 AM
Randolph Memorial Hall
On any Sunday we have Christian Education, we also offer a hot breakfast. Join us for delicious food and even better company!
Suggested donation: $5 per person ages 6+ / $20 family max.
Would you like to receive regular news and information from St. Mary’s? Email the church office and indicate that you would like to be added to our mailing list!