St. Mary’s will offer a wide range of worship, education and outreach experiences that draw people closer to Christ.St. Mary's will...
~ be a resource parish to its neighborhood and the Diocese, engaging in shared ministry and offering hospitality.
~ adopt an organizational structure that is mission driven, responsive, and accountable.
~ offer a wide range of worship and educational experiences that draw people closer to Christ.
~ identify improvements to its facilities that will fully support its programs, ministries, and community relationships.
~ embrace a program of continuous stewardship of its time, talent, and treasure to connect us to Christ and to each other.
St. Mary’s mission is to serve God by proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Parish and into the world by worshipping in the Anglican tradition, by faithfully administering the sacraments, and by ministering to the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our Parish family and our community.